Who we are

Designed Lifestyles provides retirement, aging-in-place and grief and loss consulting services to corporations and individuals preparing for retirement. We offer organizations one day seminars that outline for their employees what retirement really looks and feels like.

For employees we share insight into the year before retirement preparations and what to expect once they are retired. Many of us will be retired for 15 or more years.

In addition, we provide individuals with detailed insight into the aging process and how that will impact them physically and mentally as they age. As part of this process, we also examine the importance of adapting our home to meet these physical changes.

And finally, we offer guidance and support for individuals who have experienced a loss. Although many of us are happy to reach our retirement date, the loss of a big part of our life can be more impactful that we expect. And of course, there is the loss of purpose, social connections and people.

Designed Lifestyles offers a full range of services to help make retirement all we hoped it would be.