Designed Lifestyles offers a full range of services for organizations and individuals who are looking for a roadmap both to and through retirement.

For organizatons, we offer a variety of seminars on topics such as:

  • The Year Before Retirement – Your To Do List
  • Aging-in-Place – adapting to your home so you can remain in it

We are also able to provide one-on-one consulting with individuals prior to them leaving their jobs.

For individuals, in addition to the above we offer the following sessions for groups (retired employees or service clubs) as well as one on one consulting:

  • Charting the next 20 or more years of your life – retirement is not only about having enough financial support. Not everyone is prepared for retirement but we are here to help.
  • Health Challenges – how they impact you 
  • Dealing with loss – loss comes in many forms and the end of a job or career impacts people more than they may realize. There is no right or wrong time to get help to deal with your loss and grief.

In addition, we have a podcast on Shopify called Designed Lifestyles – your journey continues, as well as a Facebook Page called Designed Lifestyles – Aging-in-Place.

Our services are available in the following formats:

Private SessionsPrivate sessions are designed for individuals who want to discuss and explore their challenges privately.

Peer Group Sessions – Everyone believes their challenges are unique and often they are. And although every person travels their own road, you don’t always have to travel it alone. Your experience is yours alone, but others may have found ways of dealing with similar challenges that you may find beneficial.

WorkshopsWorkshops provide participants with the opportunity to articulate their loss. Memoir writing, artistic paper tapestries and memory books are a few of the options our clients can create.

Mindfulness Yoga – Some clients may enjoy and benefit from mindfulness yoga or other mindfulness practices.