The Morning After

There really is no “morning after” for retirement but there is, at some point within a month or so, an acknowledgement that this is it!! No more alarm clocks, no rushing out the door, no more traffic and the list goes on of all the “no mores”. But what is replacing them? Sleeping in is …

The Loss and Grief in Our Lives

When we speak of loss, we are often referring to the loss of a loved one, usually a partner/spouse or close family member. And for those of us who are pet owners, it can be the loss of our cherished dog or cat. But there are other forms of loss that we may grieve unconsciously …

The Aging Process

When we think of aging, we think of getting older, birthday cakes and best wishes. As we know, we start aging from the moment of birth. A young child will tell you that they are almost 3, a teenager will tell you they are almost 18 – that magic number for freedom. Adults will say …

Retirement – An Overview for Boomers

Whether you have been retired for several years, have recently retired or are looking at retiring in the not too distant future, retirement is not as carefree as the former “Freedom 55” advertisements seemed to project. The baby boomer generation, comprising people who are currently between the ages of 59 to 78 (born between 1946 …


Retirement means different things to everyone. Most would agree that it means an end to a work life that we have participated in for forty or more years, depending on our lifestyle. With the end of work comes the end of many other things – a reason to get out of bed, social interaction and …


Aging is inevitable and only the truly lucky get the privilege of growing older. But how we deal with both the physical and mental changes of aging will have a huge impact on how meaningful and happy our life is. Genetics plays a huge role in how we age but we are learning more about …

Grief and Loss

Grief and Loss doesn’t just occur in our elder years. We have all experienced loss throughout our lives, be it the loss of a pet, a friendship, a job or a family member. How we deal with these losses is important to our overall well-being, both physical and mental. Learn about the importance of dealing …